Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Vacation Recap: Lobster Day!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Vacation Recap: Day 3
(Hurray for Dramamine)
Monhegan is an popular artist colony, many of the artists live there year 'round.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Vacation Recap; Day 2
Monday, August 23, 2010
Vacation Recap
Yeah, yeah, my vacation officially ended two weeks and it’s taken me this long to blog about it. Well, I’ve had more important things to do, like de-clog my bathroom sink, bake banana bread or, I don’t know, actually work. (As much as I like blogging, this doesn’t pay the bills….)
Day 1
After a trip from hell, we woke up to this view:
Totally worth the 7 hour stroll though construction zones and rubbernecking.
Then it was off to pick you my baby sister at Colby after her summer of stimulating chemistry research.
Which lead us to lunch in the town that our Puritan ancestors founded after they arrived in the new world, after they missed the Mayflower voyage. (True story)
My mom had seen an ad for whoopie pie shop nearby and knowing my affinity for the sugary delight, we had to stop.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
And We're back!
I've learned three things from Steve Slater's Plane Rage.
1. Slater is an actual real life last name and not limited to washed up 80's teen movies (What's your damage, Heather?) and high school jocks with jerry curls.
2. I totally need a emergency chute and beer for when I inevitably quit my current job.
3. People are bitches to other people. Seriously. Slater wouldn't have lost it if some lady hadn't sat the F down when Slater asked her to while the plane was taxiing to the gate.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Favorite Friday #2
....which leads me to Favorite Friday #2: Maine
My Family has been going on vacation to Boothbay Harbor, Maine, my whole life. It's a serious family tradition. My Dad has gone there for vacation his entire life (except once, when he went to play soccer in England on summer) and my grandfather went camping there as a kid.
For one week, 30+ family members will converge from all parts of North America to rent cottages, drink beer and reminisce ("The sea was angry that day...").
Now the family vacation in itself hasn't always been my favorite thing ever (introverted, acne prone teenager + rowdy family members = Bad News Bears) but the the surrounding environment hasn't failed me yet.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Favorite Friday Numero Uno!!
In an effort to force myself to do some regular blogging and to ward off writer’s block, I thought I would start a weekly post sharing some favorite things in my life…
There are a whole loss lame than raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens (sorry, Dame Julie Andrews) and they don’t fit nicely in a Rodgers and Hammerstein score, but they are a big part of who I am.
My favorite Book: Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman
If I could get a job, where I could just read books all day with a mug of tea and not be disturbed, then I would be the best employee ever.
There really isn’t a book I won’t at least attempt to read (Except maybe the rest of the Twililight series, but is because of the annoying overhyping and I’ve already read the synopsis on Wikopedia.WTF?) and the only book I absolutely hated was Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying. (Again, WTF?) Seriously, if I knew where he was buried, I would dig him up and throttle his skeleton for subjecting that abomination to 10th grade English students everywhere.
I have shelves of books that I read over and over again, but Good Omens ranks at the top.
It’s the end times in Good Omens, the Antichrist is about to be “born” to an American diplomat in England. Except that there’s been a bit of a mix up in the nursery. The American diplomat takes home a perfectly normal baby, while a perfectly normal and unknowing English family brings home the spawn of Satan, named Adam. (This would probably happen if Woody Allen directed The Omen.)
Enter the demon Crowely and the angel Aziraphale, frienemies, who have established comfortable lives on earth respectively and don’t want it to end on Judgment Day. Together they set out to search for Adam, who has now grown up to be a very normal 11 year old besides the fact that he possesses some interesting powers and a big black dog he can’t explain, to try to convince him not to bring on the Apocalypse just quite yet.
Except for the fact that they aren’t the only ones looking for him. Hilarity ensues.